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End of Year Review 2019 with Phareed

To mark the end of 2019, The Rave Exchange is travelling the world to reflect on the year of a series of DJs and Producers from every corner of the planet. From summer memories to personal achievements – we dig deep into the past 12 months and discuss future plans of some of our favourite emerging talents.


Happy memory from this summer:

This summer we realised that my wife is pregnant and I’m going to be a father. This was one of the happiest moments in my life, in a few months I will be able to hold my son in my hands! I’m so excited.


Happy memory from this winter:

Winter is always full of with happy memories but January is a special month, as we are celebrating the birthdays of two special people for me: my mother and my wife. I love to make special surprises with an emotional touch, and see their happy faces.


The most difficult thing you’ve done this year:

Finally, my apartment repair works have been finished which lasted more than a year. Due to some problems, I had to change repair companies three times! It took a lot of time and I was nervous that it was never going to be finished.


This time last year you were…

Thinking of starting my own music company, which happened few months later.


Your new year’s resolution this year

  • Work harder and better
  • Keep promises as always
  • Motivate and support others as well
  • Exercise
  • Eat healthily (at least most of time)
  • Achieve your goals


How long is it going to last?

A lifetime!


Your musical goal for 2020:

To be featured on the best music playlists of the main music platforms.


A new skill or hobby you’d like to get into:

Mentalism, mind reading. It’s interesting and fun at the same time.


Your favourite Christmas song:

Wham! – Last Christmas


Your dream Christmas present:

I love presents a lot, especially during the holidays. So I’m happy with all types of presents. It can be something in a big box or even a small greeting card. The main important thing for me is attention. The rest I can buy myself.


Favourite festive food:

It usually depends on my location during a holiday. As I will celebrate this holiday in my hometown, it will be Kebab and Pilaf with chicken.


Your NYE plans:

As I travelled a lot this year, nothing fancy for this holiday. Just a traditional celebration with family members. The holidays are a good reasons to gather everyone.


Public figure of the year:



Movie/TV show of the year:

The Irishman


Song of the year that you were involved with:

Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello – Señorita

We did a tropical house remix –


Song of the year that you were not involved with:

Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello – Señorita

(Our remix is not an official remix sadly)


Artist or label to watch in 2020:

MAINCHORD Studio – my label is working already on some new projects and releases. We will be on radars in 2020


Something you learned in 2019:

Yoga techniques! (we had a special course in Bali this year)


A prediction about the world in 2020:

Elon Musk working on a new presentation, he will surprise us next year, maybe with his self-driving taxis 🙂

Overall, I believe that we will change the way we use some traditional technologies.


And lastly, sum up your 2019 in 3 words:

Year of changes and challenges







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