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End Of Year Review 2018 with US

To mark the end of 2018, The Rave Exchange is travelling the world to reflect on the year of a series of DJs and Producers from every corner of the planet. From summer memories to personal achievements – we dig deep into the past 12 months and discuss future plans of some of our favourite emerging talents.

Artist Name: US

Highlight of 2018: Enjoying the summer holidays.

Happy memory from this summer: Releasing ‘tainted’ music video

Happy memory from this winter: Releasing our latest single ‘Turn Back Time’

The most difficult thing you’ve done this year: Producing and editing our own music video.

This time last year you were… still building productions for forthcoming EP’s.

Your new year’s resolution last year: To be better this year.

How long did it last? All year round.

Your new year’s resolution this year: I didn’t have one to be honest, I don’t believe in new years resolution’s just targets we set for ourselves.

How long is it going to last? Forever.

Your musical goal for 2019: To release our 2 long awaited EP’s.

A new skill or hobby you’d like to get into: I haven’t got one in particular.

Your dream Christmas present: Recognition in the right places.

Favourite festive food: Turkey of course.

Your NYE plans: To relax and continue to work.

Public figure of the year: Lewis Hamilton, we love racing.

Movie/TV show of the year: Aquaman

Artist or label to watch in 2019: US/Elusion Records

Song of the year that you were involved with: ’Turn back Time’ with Tyranix.

Song of the year that you were not involved with: Steve Angello’s album ‘human’

Something you learned in 2018: A great deal of patience.

A prediction about the world in 2019: Things will get worse before they get better.

And lastly, your favourite Christmas song: ‘Last Christmas’ by George Michael


US Online

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